American Style Smooth Bronze Foxtrot Variations - DVD
1. Single Corté (Tango)
2. Twist Turn to Right (Tango)
3A. Fifth Position Breaks (V. Waltz)
3B. Fifth Position Breaks with Underarm Turn (V. Waltz)
4A. Cross Body Lead (V. Waltz)
4B. Cross Body Lead with Underarm Turn (V. Waltz)
5. Two Way Underarm Turn (Waltz)
Demonstration - Figures 1-5
6. Face to Face, Back to Back (Waltz)
7. Progressive Twinkles (Waltz)
8. Promenade Chassé (Waltz)
9. Fallaway and Basic (Waltz)
10. Twinkle & Weave (Waltz)
Demonstration - Figures 6-10
American Style Smooth Silver Foxtrot Variations - DVD
1. Open Right Turn with Underarm Turn (Waltz)
2. Twinkle Connection (Waltz)
3. Check to Open Fallaway (Waltz)
4. Progressive Twinkles (Waltz)
5. Syncopated Viennese Cross Turn (Waltz)
Demonstration - Figures 1-5
6. Flip Flops (Waltz)
7. Oversway & Rondé (Tango)
8. Swivel Fans (Tango)
9. Reverse Underarm Turn (V. Waltz)
10. Flairs (V. Waltz)
Demonstration - Figures 6-10