American Style Smooth Bronze Tango Variations - DVD
1. Face to Face, Back to Back (Waltz)
2. Progressive Twinkles (Waltz)
3. Grapevine (Waltz)
4. Fallaway and Rock (Waltz)
5. Promenade Underarm Turn (Foxtrot)
Demonstration - Figures 1-5
6. Zig Zag Outside Partner (Foxtrot)
7. Fallaway Twinkles (Foxtrot)
8. Promenade Twist (Foxtrot)
9. Fifth Position Breaks (V. Waltz)
10. Left Rock Turn (Foxtrot)
Demonstration - Figures 6-10
American Style Smooth Silver Tango Variations - DVD
1. Grapevine (Foxtrot)
2. Weave from Promenade Position (Foxtrot)
3. Chair & Slip (Foxtrot)
4. Oversway from Reverse (Foxtrot)
5. Hairpin from Reverse (Waltz & Foxtrot)
Demonstration - Figures 1-5
6. Hairpin from Promenade (Waltz & Foxtrot)
7. Slide & Check (Foxtrot)
8. Open Right Turn to Underarm Turn (Waltz)
9. X Lines (V. Waltz)
10. The Gem (Foxtrot)
Demonstration - Figures 6-10