American Style Smooth DVIDA Syllabus
Beginning - Intermediate (Bronze) Foxtrot - DVD
Posture, Frame, Movement and Dance Hold
1. Basic
2. Promenade
3A. Rock Turn to Left (Left Rock Turn)
3B. Rock Turn to Right (Right Rock Turn)
4. Sway Step
5A. Promenade Underarm Turn
5B. Sway Underarm Turn
6A. Zig Zag in Line
6B. Zig Zag Outside Partner
7. Box Step
Demonstration - Figures 1-7
8. Twinkle
9. Promenade Twinkles
10. Fallaway Twinkles
11. Turning Twinkles to Outside Partner
12. Grapevine
13. Promenade Twist
14. Promenade Pivot
15A. Running Steps in Basic Rhythm
15B. Running Steps in Box Rhythm
Demonstration - Figures 8-15
Dance Demonstration
American Style Smooth DVIDA Syllabus
Advanced I (Silver) Foxtrot - DVD
1. Open Left Box
2. Open Right Turn
3. Grapevine
4. Weave from Promenade
5. Chair & Slip
Demonstration - Figures 1-5
6. Oversway
7A. Hairpin from Reverse
7B. Hairpin from Promenade Position
8. Slide & Check
9. Fallaway & Weave
10. Curved Running Steps
Demonstration - Figures 6-10
11. Natural Fallaway
12. Outside Swivel
13. Hover Corté
14. Promenade Pivot
15. The Gem
Demonstration - Figures 11-15
Dance Demonstration
American Style Smooth DVIDA Syllabus
Advanced II (Gold) Foxtrot - DVD
1. Open Grapevines
2. Continuous Hairpins
3. Passing Changes
4. Oversway to Shadow
5. Half Turns in Shadow
Demonstration - Figures 1-5
6. Advanced Gem
7. Curve & Roll
8. Hairpins in Shadow
9. Check & Sway
10. Hinge to Shadow
Demonstration - Figures 6-10
Dance Demonstration